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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for JingJangJooJong Kids Parties

Effective Date:May 2024

Welcome to JingJangJooJong Kids Parties ( We are committed to protecting the privacy of our clients and ensuring the highest level of security for your personal information. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect the information you provide us while using our services and accessing our website.

1. Information We Collect
We may collect the following types of information during your interactions with our site and services:
– Contact Information: Your name, email address, home address and phone number when you inquire about our services.
– Photos and Media: We obtain photos of events and participants but only share photos where consent has been provided by the parents or booking party.

2. How We Use Your Information
The information you provide to JingJangJooJong Kids Parties is used for the following purposes:
– To contact you regarding your party booking and to provide the services you have requested.
– To improve our services and website, based on your feedback and interactions.
– To comply with legal obligations or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our business, our clients, or others.

3. Data Sharing and Disclosure
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others’ rights, property, or safety.

4. Data Protection
We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access your personal information. All sensitive information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and encrypted into our databases to be only accessed as stated above.

5. Consent and Control
– Consent: By using our website, you consent to our website’s privacy policy.
– Access and Control: You have the right to request access to the personal information we hold about you, to request corrections, or to ask for deletion. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

6. Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

7. Changes to our Privacy Policy
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page. Policy changes will apply only to information collected after the date of the change.

8. Contacting Us
If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us using the form below:

Contact Us